US Commander David Rodriguez

Army General David Rodriguez of the US Africa Command (USAFRICOM) said Liberia has made "encouraging advances" in halting the Ebola spread and that US troops in West Africa could soon return to the US.
"We're in a good position now. The trend lines are all moving in the right direction," said Rodriguez to reporters, late on Wednesday.
He added, "The majority of the big engineering and logistics efforts in Liberia will probably start to tail off at the end of the year or January, so that is when we will start to send some of those people home." Rodriguez, the top military commander in Africa, highlighted that the current force level in all of West Africa is about 2,900 and indicated the mission in West Africa would end as early as this summer.
Yet, in Sierra Leone and Guinea, the World Health Organization has reported slight increases in Ebola cases.
More than 6,000 deaths from Ebola have been reported in the region since March, indicated the Pentagon.
Source: KUNA