Dr. Magdy Badran

The member of the Egyptian Society of Allergy and Immunology, Dr. Magdy Badran, revealed causes of allergies in the summer. He said that allergy caused by chlorine of swimming pools, which arises from excessive doses of chlorine.
He added in interview with Arabs Today that the sensitivity of insect bites increases in summer as the mosquito, and allergy resulting from cockroaches is an important cause of chest allergies, asthma, and asthma crises, indicating that 60% of asthma patients in major cities have an allergy to cockroaches.
He stressed that children who are allergic to cockroaches need to be held in hospitals more than others. 
"Symptoms of cockroaches' allergy includes itching in the skin or eye, skin rash, sneezing, nasal runny nose, nasal obstruction, nose itching, mouth or throat, coughing and difficulty in breathing, and chest tightness," he added.
"Exposure to cold air currents, and extreme coldness due to excessive use of air conditioners, and lack of maintenance of air conditioners, cause cockroaches' allergy," Badran stressed.
Badran indicated that the optimum conditioning temperature is 23.5 to 24.5 ° C, and the average is 24 ° C. He added that the fungus sensitivity also occurs in the summer, affecting about 10% of the population, 50% of the genetically sensitive, and 56% of the sinus patients.
"Although fungi contain one million species, there are only 400 species that threaten humans, animals and plants. The fungus is present in our lives, it is found in 25% of our homes especially kitchens and bathrooms especially with humidity. The fungus produces 70 substances that cause allergies and some have the ability to cause allergies in people with genetic predisposition such as chest allergies, allergic rhinitis, eye allergies, and skin allergies," Badran stated.