Syrian Foreign Minister Walid el Muallem

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid el Muallem said Damascus is ready to form a new government, establish a constitution and hold parliamentary elections.

Interviewed by "Al Mayadeen" TV and aired on Russia Today channel early Tuesday, Muallem said Damascus is ready to form an expanded government, a committee to establish the constitution and hold parliamentary elections.

Damascus is also ready to hold a referendum on the new constitution and then hold parliamentary elections that would pave the way for a new government lineup.

He accused the US of leading a conspiracy against Syria, terming as "intentional" the US raids against the Syrian army in Deir Azour and asserting that they were carried out after coordination with Daesh organization.

Muallem also reiterated that changing the presidency in Syria is only in the hands of the Syrian people, adding that the current leadership is the legitimate one in Syria.

Source: MENA