The Joint Sudan and South Sudan Political.

The  Joint Sudan and South Sudan  Political   and Security Mechanism concluded an exceptional meeting in Addis Ababa on Monday.

Lt-Gen, Jamal Alden Omar Mohamed Ebrahem has headed the Sudan delegation representing the Minister of Defense In the presence of  Chairman of the African Union High-level   Implementation Panel(AUHIP), Thabo Mbeki  who welcomed the delegations, and commended  the big role played by Sudan and the President Al-Bashir sin   narrowing   differences of views  between the  South Sudanese  parties which led to signing the comprehensive  peace agreement  in Khartoum.

.Lt-Gen, Jamal Alden Omar, addressing the meeting has renewed Sudan’s commitment to provide aid for achieving stability,  security and peace sustainability  in South   Sudan State.

For his part,  the South Sudan3ese Minister of Defense,-Gen.  Koal Mniang has pointed out to the importance of implementing the agreements  signed  between the two countries, expressing r gratefulness and gratitude as government and people to the huge  role Sudan has played in achievement  of  peace in South Sudan State.


AT the end of the meeting the two sides  signed  the minute  of the meeting   which called  for  implementation of  all necessary procedures  for reactivation of the military-free zone and the co-operation agreement signed in 2012.

 The two sides affirmed  the common goal  and destiny and working together for realizing  security  and stability  in the two countries.