The Head of the Foreign Relations sector at the National Congress Party, Sadeq Mohamed Ali Hassab Al Rasool

The Head of the Foreign Relations sector at the National Congress Party, Sadeq Mohamed Ali Hassab Al Rasool has affirmed that Sudan has made noticeable overture and progress at all foreign relations levels.
He referred in this regards to the tight coordination between the various bodies of the party and its thorough implementation of the strategy of the sector within the party.
Sadeq explained that the policies of the sectors have drawn the general feature of the overture which target the European continent with which there is a developed relations. 
As to the American side, the official told the reactivation conference of the ruling party's foreign relations sector, a number of hurdles have been overcome so far resulting the partial lifting of the sanctions against the Sudan.
He argued that the sectors is working to approach the Europeans and the Americans to draw a plan that reflects Sudan vision and its desire to integrate within the international community and to contribute in the issues related to fighting terrorism, money laundering and the cross border crimes. 
He said what Sudan has achieved so far achieved an unparalleled overture, from amongst all Arab surrounding.
He said the party's relations with African countries have resulted in the establishment of strategic relations, citing the bonds that links Sudan with south Sudan.

Source: SUNA