Minister Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Aysh on Tuesday met with Pakistani Defense Minister Khurram Dastgir

Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Aysh on Tuesday met with Pakistani Defense Minister Khurram Dastgir to discuss bilateral ties and defense cooperation.
During the meeting in Islamabad, Dastgir reiterated Islamabad’s commitment to safeguarding Saudi territorial integrity and the Two Holy Mosques.
Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry said Al-Aysh is seeking Islamabad’s support to train the Saudi armed forces, especially in counterterrorism, asymmetric warfare and mountain fighting.
Islamabad is seeking a Saudi diplomatic role in addressing cease-fire violations along the Line of Control in Kashmir, the ministry added.
Dastgir said the two countries are progressing toward a comprehensive defense relationship, and agreements between their national defense universities may be formalized in order to expand cooperation in strategic planning.
He congratulated Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for “holding a successful ministerial meeting of the Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition (IMCTC).”
Dastgir represented Pakistan at the first meeting of the recently formed IMCTC in Riyadh on Nov. 26.
Last week, Islamabad expressed grave concern over a second ballistic missile attack against Saudi Arabia from Yemen.
Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry said the government “strongly condemns the attack, and commends the timely action by Saudi forces to destroy the missile, preventing any loss of lives.” Pakistan demands that Yemeni rebels stop attacking the Kingdom, the ministry added.
