Iranian President, Sheikh Hassan Rouhani, congratulated Sunday House Speaker Nabih Berri on Lebanon's

Iranian President, Sheikh Hassan Rouhani, congratulated Sunday House Speaker Nabih Berri on Lebanon's victory over terrorism in the outskirts of Arsal.

"The victories achieved by Lebanon with its people, army and resistance, whether over the Zionist entity or terrorism, have glorified Lebanon's position in the region," said Rouhani during his meeting with Speaker Berri this morning.

In turn, the Speaker congratulated the Iranian President on his oath-taking for a renewed mandate, praising "the wide international presence witnessed in Tehran yesterday, which proved that Iran is neither besieged nor isolated."

Referring to Lebanon's victories of 2006 over the Israeli enemy and 2017 over terrorism, Berri highlighted the role of "Lebanese national unity, resistance and army in yielding such victories."

"The victory over terrorism in Arsal's outskirts has united the Lebanese even more," he added.

Over the regional situation, Speaker Berri expressed concern over division plots aimed against Iraq and Syria, while praising the Palestinian people's intifadah in al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem, stressing on Palestinian unity.

During their mutual talks, Rouhani thanked Berri for his visit that embodies the depth of the kind relations linking both the Lebanese and Iranian people together.

"We attach great importance to your role in the strengthening and advancement of Lebanon and its stability, and in the consolidation of Iranian-Lebanese relations, which is very important to us," said Rouhani.

"Iran stands by the Lebanese people in their resistance against terrorism and the Israeli enemy," Rouhani underscored, adding "facts have proved that the Lebanese have no choice but to resist these threats."

Following his encounter with President Rouhani, the Speaker held talks with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif over latest developments in Lebanon and the region.

Zarif also congratulated the Lebanese people, army and resistance on their victory over terrorism, saying: "The Lebanese people always give lessons in resistance, and that through resistance we can always win over our enemies

Source: NNA