President Omer Al-Bashir.

President of the Republic, Field Marshal Omer Al-Bashir, has called for strengthening further Sudan relations with Ghana, Congo, Somalia, Kenya, the Netherland and Turkey for the interest of Sudan and each of these countries.

During his meeting Monday at the Republican Palace with the new ambassadors of Sudan to Ghana, Congo, Somalia, Kenya, Netherlands and Turkey, President Al-Bashir affirmed his confidence on the Sudanese diplomacy.

He affirmed his support to the Sudanese diplomacy and the new ambassadors in carrying out their tasks properly.

Sudan Ambassador to Kenya, Ghariballa Khidir, has expressed their thanks and gratitude to President Al-Bashir over his confidence on them.

It is to be recalled that the new ambassadors are: Musa Abdul-Rahim for Ghana, Hassan Al-Amin for the Democratic Republic of Congo, Khalafalla Mustafa for Somalia, Ghariballa Khidir for Kenya, Kamal Bashir for the Netherlands and Mohamed Abdul-Rahman Yassin as the General Consul of Sudan to Istanbul.