Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu has expressed profound concern over the dangerous developments in Egypt which caused a number of deaths and injuries. Expressing his deep sadness, the OIC Secretary General has conveyed his heartfelt condolences to and sympathy with the families of victims, as well as his wishes of prompt recovery for the wounded. The Secretary General has called upon the various parties in Egypt to exercise maximum restraint and wisdom in this critical phase, to work toward preserving the gains of the Revolution, and to put aside any momentary differences for the purpose of building a future that is worthy of Egypt’s historical standing. This is in response to the demands of the Egyptian Revolution and in fulfillment of the hopes and aspirations of the Egyptian people for a democratic State founded on institutions and the rule of law with all the attendant respect for the right to protest and the right to peaceful expression as well as the preservation of the dignity of the Egyptian people. The latter have carried out a great revolution that has gained the admiration of the entire world. The Secretary General also stressed the need to conduct the legislative and other elections according to schedule. Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu has expressed his confidence in the Egyptian people’s ability to overcome this crisis and to build a democratic State where freedom and social justice prevail and which achieves an economic development matching its potentials and promoting its role in the regional and international arenas. (QNA) J H/LY