Minister of Trade and Economy, Raed Khouri, called Saturday for regulating the economic relationship between

Minister of Trade and Economy, Raed Khouri, called Saturday for regulating the economic relationship between Lebanon and the displaced Syrians and for implementing Lebanese legislations.

In a press conference held at his ministry office, Khouri touched on the repercussions of Syrian displacement on the Lebanese economy, particularly concerning illegal and unlicensed institutions.

"As a State, we are required to regulate the economic relationship between Lebanon and the displaced Syrians, and to solely apply Lebanese laws and regulations," Khouri emphasized.

"Syrian workers are entitled according to the law to work in three sectors only, namely in construction, agriculture and public wastes; yet, they are working in different sectors contrary to the law," he continued to explain.

Khouri referred to several procedural steps adopted by his ministry in this context, noting, "We have asked municipalities to close down illegal institutions."

"We deeply sympathize with our Syrian displaced brethrens and feel with their suffering because we have lived in wars and displacement. We wish them a safe and dignified return home, especially in the presence of secure areas in Syria. However, pending their return to their country, we are required as a State to regulate the economic relationship between Lebanon and Syrian refugees," Khouri underscored

Source: NNA