Sudanese rebel groups

Sudan government on Saturday renewed its call for Juba to stop supporting Sudanese rebel groups, Sudanese Media Center (SMC) reported.

"We urge South Sudan government to stop supporting and sheltering the rebel movements," Ahmed Bilal Osman, Sudanese government spokesman, was quoted as saying.

"Khartoum is waiting for envoy of South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit to soften the atmospheres between the two countries," he added.

Khartoum further expressed hope that the new government in South Sudan, to be declared within the coming two days, would contribute to implementing the agreements signed by the two countries and ending the exchanged accusations between the two sides.

"We hope the situations in South Sudan would stabilize following the formation of the new government," said Osman.

The relationship between Khartoum and Juba has been witnessing growing tension since last March after Khartoum accused Juba of supporting the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM)/northern sector and Darfur armed movements.

South Sudan president is expected to announce a transitional government next Monday following the return of his first vice-president Riek Machar (the rebel leader) to Juba after more than two years of violence in the new-born state.

South Sudan plunged into violence in December 2013, as fighting erupted between the troops loyal to President Kiir, and the defectors led by his former deputy Machar.

The clashes killed thousands of South Sudanese and displaced some two millions more.