Dr. Rajaei Al-Maashar, Dr. Nayef Al-Hajraf.

Jordanian Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Rajaei Al-Maashar on Thursday expressed gratitude to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for helping the country cope with economic and financial difficulties.
The Jordanian Premiership said in a statement that Al-Maashar expressed the appreciation during a meeting that grouped him with these countries' finance ministers, Dr. Nayef Al-Hajraf of Kuwait, Mohammad Al-Jadaan of Saudi Arabia and Obaid Al-Tayer of the UAE.
The meeting was held on sidelines of an inking ceremony for understanding between Jordan and these countries, as part of June's "Makkah Summit outcome" for supporting the Jordanian economy.
Meanwhile, Finance Minister Ezzeddine Kanakriyah indicated the USD 2.5 billion worth of aid -- pledged at the summit -- includes one USD billion value of a deposit in the central bank, USD 500 million for the treasury and the remaining are soft loans and rescheduled loans.
The grant for the state treasury will help in executing development schemes and the deposit at the central bank will boost foreign currencies' reserves.