Houthi delegation insists on forming presidential council in Yemen

The delegation of the Houthi group and Yemeni popular resistance to the Kuwait talks has rejected an agenda proposed by UN envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed and insisted on not recognizing the legitimacy of Yemeni President Abd Rabou Mansour Hadi.

The delegates pressed for forming a presidential council and a new government.

They stressed commitment to reaching a comprehensive political agreement based on the outcome of the negotiations.

The delegation will not accept any deviations from the agreed context, it said in a statement.

The delegation called for ending the war and lifting the siege imposed on Yemen, stressing rejection of attempts by "another party" - in reference to the government delegation - to use the economic war as a tool to exercise pressure and noting that the first loser will be the Yemeni people and not them.

Source: MENA