- MP Boutros Harb, in an interview with Radio Voice of Lebanon 100.3 - 100.5 radio station, said PM Saad Hariri

- MP Boutros Harb, in an interview with Radio Voice of Lebanon 100.3 - 100.5 radio station, said PM Saad Hariri "might not call on the cabinet to convene before the final decision on the subject for which the resignation was submitted."

"The government is able to meet constitutionally, but we have to know what Prime Minister Hariri's conception of a 'delayed resignation' is," Harb said.

He pointed out that "the settlement included the government's actions during the reign of President Michel Aoun, especially in terms of dissociation. Unfortunately, (...) government was not united and did not have a single foreign policy. Every minister, including Foreign Minister [Gebran Bassil] acted as they will, which led to an imbalance in Lebanon's Arab position

Source: NNA