The Foreign Minister, Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour.

The Foreign Minister, Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour, said that Sudan and Ethiopia are linked to each other by deeply-rooted historic ties and and common destiny, disclosing that the visit of Foreign Minister of Ethiopia to Sudan came within framework of progressing relations between Khartoum and Addis Ababa.

Prof. Ghandour said in a joint press conference with his Ethiopian counterpart, Workneh Gebeyehu, at the Foreign Ministry in Khartoum Sunday that the visit also came within framework of continuous consultations in on the bilateral relations and the coordination at the regional and international forums, stating that the meeting has tackled the current challenges that the region is facing and importance of coordination between the two countries to protect the region's security and stability as well as looking into establishing strategic relations.

He pointed out that the two sides agreed that the security of the region is part of our security of our two countries and that the two sides also agreed to hold monthly meeting for further common coordination.

The minister said that there are developments that we hope would be good for our region and countries and that the matter needs a common strategy to make use of positive aspects and avoid te negatives of such developments.

On masses of troops on eastern Sudan eastern border, the Foreign Minister said Sudan is not speaking about masses built up by specific country, but it is speaking about threatening to it in the east, adding some opposition forces exist in east Sudan, therefore that we are alert for any threat that could come from that place.

He said that Sudan did not speak about threat from a specific country, but it has spoken about clues that refer to existence of threats targeting Sudan security, adding that he would give details on this issue at a suitable time.

Source: SUNA