Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi

 Yemeni National Army's fights against the Iran-backed Houthi militia will continue and will not cease until all Yemeni territories have been liberated, Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi has stated.

The Yemeni president made the statements in phone calls with Shabwa Governor Major General Ali bin Rashid Al Harthi, and Major General Mefreh Behebeh, the Commander of the 26th Infantry Brigade, whom he has congratulated on the impressive victories being achieved against the coupe d'état perpetrators and the liberation of Shabwa Governorate.

According to the official Yemeni News Agency, the Yemeni president commended the great sacrifices made by the Arab Coalition Forces and their support for the Yemeni people in their untold suffering as well as the colossal efforts exerted by the tribesmen of Shabwa and their steadfast collaboration with the Yemeni army against the Houthis.