President Mahmoud Abbas.

Fatah chastised Hamas on Saturday for waging what it described as “an orchestrated campaign” against President Mahmoud Abbas and aligning itself with Israeli and American plots to undermine his work for Palestine’s independence.

Member of Fatah Central Committee, Jamal Muheisen, said that what Hamas is undertaking against Abbas is nothing new to it since it has been doing this since its inception in December 1987 and had done the same thing against the late leader, Yasser Arafat.

He said “President Abbas represents all the Palestinian people while Hamas as a faction is acting against nationalist and unification merits and its acts do not reflect the will of our people.”

The Fatah official told Voice of Palestine radio that the United States, which is trying to penetrate the Palestinian arena to implement its so-called “deal of the century”, finds in Hamas the venue to do that with its campaign against the Palestinian leadership.

Meanwhile, Fatah spokesman in Gaza, Atef Abu Seif, accused Hamas in a statement of doing everything it can to attack Abbas.

“As President Mahmoud Abbas heads to the United Nations to stress that the deal (of the century) will not pass, even if we starve and die one by one, Hamas is playing along with the schemes of the  occupying state (Israel) and the (US President Donald) Trump administration by devoting everything it has to attack him (President Abbas).”

He accused Hamas of acting in a way that would serve “the enemy’s agenda,” demanding to hold the Islamic group that controls the Gaza Strip accountable for its actions that aim to undermine the national struggle to defeat the “deal of the century.”