The 45th General Assembly of the Union of Arab News Agencies (FANA) ended on Friday in Amman, with the

The 45th General Assembly of the Union of Arab News Agencies (FANA) ended on Friday in Amman, with the participation of 15 Arab news agencies. A number of recommendations and decisions have been issued, all of them at the service of Arab media.

Present at the meeting were directors of different Arab news agencies, including the NNA Director, Mrs. Laure Sleiman, the Secretary General of the International Federation of News Agencies, and the Director General of the Bulgarian News Agency (BTA), Maxim Menchov.

During the conference, members of the Union agreed on the promotion and development of cooperation between Arab news agencies, international organizations and regional news outlets.

As for the role of the media in the fight against terrorism, the Union has emphasized the importance of media coverage of terrorist acts in an active and responsible manner, which serves the interests of the Arab peoples.

Conferees also adopted the promotion of the role of Arab Woman in the process of development in all fields

Source: NNA