Yemeni Vice President Lt. General Ali Mohsin Al Ahmar.

Yemeni Vice President Lt. General Ali Mohsin Al Ahmar lauded the tremendous support given by Bahrain and members states of the Arab coalition to support legitimacy in Yemen in the war against Houthis.

In a statement to Bahrain News Agency (BNA), the Yemeni Vice President expressed happiness about visiting Bahrain to attend the Manama Dialogue 2017. He thanked Bahrain leadership for the gracious hospitality and for the efforts made to work out mechanisms to boost regional security and stability.

The Yemeni Vice President stressed that the Iranian interference in the internal affairs of countries in the region, including mainly Yemen, Iraq and Syria, represent a threat to regional security and stability. He emphasised the need to come up with strategic visions to promote regional security. He also expressed condolences on the death of former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, stressing that the Houthis will pay the price for their criminal and terrorist activities which are doing harm to all Yemeni people.

Source: BNA