Speaker Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al-Mulla.

Speaker of the Council of Representatives, Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al-Mulla, has stressed the long-standing strong relations between the Bahraini-Egyptian leaderships, governments and peoples, describing bilateral ties as “strategic”.

Al-Mulla praised Egypt’s supportive stances vis-à-vis important Bahraini issues at all levels and in various fields, emphasising that the security of Egypt and that of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), especially that of Bahrain, are integral and indivisible.

The Speaker made the statements as he received here today his Egyptian counterpart, Dr. Abdel Aal, and his accompanying parliamentary delegation, who are on a visit to Bahrain from January 20 to 24, at the invitation of the Council of Representatives.

Al-Mulla lauded the accelerated growth of the Bahraini-Egyptian relations in various fields, including the parliamentary one, commending the great efforts being exerted by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

The speaker hailed the “clear and outstanding” contributions of the Egyptian expatriate community to Bahrain’s development process, including medicine, engineering, education, services and tourism, highlighting the Representatives Council’s keenness on using its prerogatives to develop joint relations.

The Council of Representatives aims to activate the role of the joint diplomatic and parliamentary committees to achieve the common goals, as well as to intensify exchanged visits and expertise between the two councils and their secretariat-generals.

He highlighted the two countries’ consensus and coordinated stances at international gatherings, especially regarding respect for countries’ sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs, commitment to preserving human rights principles, and combating extremism, violence and terrorism in to serve their interests.

Dr. Abdel Aal, the Speaker of Egypt’s House of Representatives, affirmed his country’s stances in support of the GCC, in general, and Bahrain, in particular, noting Bahrain’s security, stability and territorial integrity are a red line.

“We reject any form of interference in its domestic affairs, particularly from some neighbouring countries that support extremism, violence and terrorism, and jeopardize the region’s security and stability,” Dr. Abdel Aal said.

He expressed his respect for and appreciation of Bahrain’s leadership, government and people, highlighting the fruitful outcomes of the recent visit of a Bahraini parliamentary delegation to Egypt.

He extended deepest thanks and gratitude to the Kingdom’s leadership, government and people, and to Speaker Al-Mulla for the warm welcome and hospitality accorded to him and his accompanying delegation.

He also praised Bahrain’s constant keenness on bolstering its ties with his country.

The meeting also focused on Bahrain’s parliamentary experience which, he said, was the fruitful outcome of the Reform Project spearheaded by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, noting that the success of the kingdom’s parliamentary process was also the result of the efforts of His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, and His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Premier.

The meeting also touched upon the main achievements of the current legislative term, including the Government Action Plan, the Unified Personal Status Law, the real estate development law, the general state budget, among others.

Source: BNA