Arab FMs highly appreciative of Kuwait's support for Yemen.

Several Arab foreign ministers on Wednesday heaped praise on Kuwait for the Gulf state's contributions towards development in Yemen, particularly, its pledge of USD 250 million this year to support relief efforts in the war-torn nation. They also commended Kuwait's efforts to find a political solution that offers the only likely chance for peace in Yemen, giving other Arab nations such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan equal credit.
The ministers underlined the need to support all efforts that entrench constitutional legitimacy in Yemen, saying they back all measures taken by president Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to restore stability nationwide.
They applauded the Yemeni government's cooperation with international bodies to ensure that much needed humanitarian aid finds its way into the country.
Meanwhile, the foreign ministers excoriated Yemen's armed Houthi movement for violating international laws through acts of wanton violence, including attacks that deliberately target innocent civilians.
They were highly critical of a UN report over the humanitarian situation in Yemen, saying it "lacked objectivity and neutrality."