Spokesman of the Coalition Forces to Support Legitimacy in Yemen Colonel Turki Al-Maliki.

Spokesman of the Coalition Forces to Support Legitimacy in Yemen Colonel Turki Al-Maliki stated that, at 01:39 p.m. today, the coalition air defence forces monitored a ballistic missile launched from the Yemeni territories towards the Kingdom's territories.

In a statement to Saudi Press Agency (SPA), he said that the missile was indiscriminately launched towards Riyadh to target the civilian and populated areas. He added that the missile was intercepted by Patriot, south of Riyadh, without any damage or loss of life.

"This hostile and indiscriminate act by the Iran-back Houthi armed group proves the continued involvement of the Iranian regime in supporting Houthi armed group with qualitative capabilities in a clear and blatant defiance of the UN resolution no. 2216 and resolution no. 2231 aiming to threaten the security of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as the regional and international security. Launching ballistic missiles towards populated cities and villages is contrary to the international humanitarian law," he added.

Colonel Al-Maliki called upon the international community to take serious and effective steps to stop the blatant Iranian violations of transferring ballistic weapons to terrorist and outlaw groups and to hold them accountable for their support for and defiance of international norms and values.

Source: BNA