Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Boutros al-Rahi voiced Sunday the Lebanese people's fear of failing to hold

Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Boutros al-Rahi voiced Sunday the Lebanese people's fear of failing to hold the parliamentary sub-elections and regular elections as per their Constitutional deadline.

"The Lebanese are wondering why the delay in setting a date for the parliamentary sub-elections as stipulated by the Constitution," said al-Rahi, adding, "beware of violating it (the Constitution) here as well, since there is no excuse or legitimate reason for that!"

"The Lebanese also fear violation of the Constitution, once again, in failing to hold the regular parliamentary elections upcoming May under the pretext of dissatisfaction with the new vote law, the need for certain adjustments to it and time constraints," al-Rahi went on.

The Patriarch's words came as he presided over Sunday Mass at the Patriarchal Church in al-Dimane.

Al-Rahi raised prayers for the Lebanese army, asking the Lord Almighty to grant it continuous victory in its battle against terrorists in Ras Baalbak and al-Qaa outskirts while paying tribute to the souls of the martyr soldiers who lost their lives for the sake of protecting their nation.

Marking the General Security's 72nd commemoration, al-Rahi also addressed a word of appreciation and praise to its Director-General Abbas Ibrahim and its military officers for their remarkable contribution and relentless efforts in ensuring the Lebanese people's safety and security

Source: NNA