Jordanian activist Taghreed Al-Daghmi

Jordanian activist Taghreed Al-Daghmi stressed the need for empowering women on both economic and social sides to increase her awareness of her legal and social rights in the different Arab communities.

She revealed that there are a large number of challenges facing the Arab woman in the different Arab communities, including the lack of woman’s awareness of her legal rights. She underlined the importance of the role of different organizations working in human rights.

She stressed the need for amending the laws to provide partial protection for both women and children especially disabled.

She added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, “The woman must know and understand the contract of work before signing it and know what the rights of workers, as well as marriage contract on women to be aware of the new life coming to them what their rights and duties, and know that it is entitled to require in the contract of marriage and the condition of work and residence and not to marry it from another.”

Another obstacle facing women is the social impediments to women's access to justice. "According to al-Daghmi, the fear or embarrassment of society, especially in criminal cases and sexual assaults, are considered major challenges facing the Arab woman in the different communities in the Arab world. She added that the society also does not accept women's review of security centers.

She stressed the need for women to participate in decision-making positions, pointing out, “Despite the high rate of education for women, but this percentage is not reflected on the ground at work, the rate of women's work is low and this reflects on the presence of women in leadership positions, which is limited.”

She added that Women's lack of access to leadership positions is due to several reasons, including early retirement, which limits their continuity in workplaces that may qualify them to reach higher positions in state institutions.

She stressed the need for allowing the woman to take leading positions in different institutions of the Arab countries to benefit from her experience, expressing her confidence that there are a large number of Arab women who are qualified for taking leading position in different institutions of the state.