Princess Dana Feras

The Senate Tourism and Heritage Committee, and the Health, Environment and Population Committee met with the Vice President of the Petra National Trust, Princess Dana Feras, this Wednesday.
Princess Dana briefed the committees about the Trust, established in 1989 as a governmental organization to protect the archaeological, cultural and environmental heritage of Petra. The foundation, she said, depends on fundraising and aid from local and international agencies, embassies and individuals.
The Princess stressed the importance of joint cooperation to preserve Jordan’s heritage and its historical sites, especially those in Petra, pointing to the Trust’s efforts to strike a balance between the cultural, natural and economic value, ensuring that the financial aspect must not be in conflict with efforts to preserve the ancient city.
Princess Dana also pointed to the natural and human threats to Petra as a result of slides, floods and illegal building activity in the city. Further, she noted the rising number of visitors that exceed the site's capacity, while highlighting the restoration of the Siq carried out by the Trust.
The chairman of the Tourism and Heritage Committee, Adel Twisi, praised the Trust’s efforts to raise a new generation keen to preserve heritage and archaeological sites.
The chairman of the Health, Environment and Population Committee, Yaseen Al-Husban, called for the need by all concerned authorities to make coordinated efforts to protect Petra to attract more visitors.
Source: Petra