Defender Ameen Atoushy

Defender of Moroccan Wydad football team Ameen Atoushy expressed his pleasure of the goal he scored during the recent derby against Raja Casablanca on Sunday.

He praised, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, the performance of his team’s players during the derby match, saying that they exerted increasing efforts to win the match and to keep their position in the league’s table during the coming period.

He expressed his aspiration to win the Moroccan league during the current season, saying that it would be exceptional season for him if they managed to achieve this objective. He stressed their keenness to win all the coming matches to keep their position.

He stressed his desire to join Moroccan national team during the coming period, saying that he exerts his efforts just to gain the confidence of the national team’s coach. He stressed his keenness to develop his performance during the coming period to meet the aspirations of his team’s fans.