Yemeni troops loyal to the Saudi-backed President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi

Army troops and resistance elements have liberated five outposts in Al Rabiy area, western Taez from the Houthis and Saleh militias, Spokesman for the Yemeni military council in Taez, southwestern Yemen, Mansour al Hassani said Tuesday.

The liberated areas include the strategic Al Moneim Mountain which overlooks the road linking Taez with coastal Al Hudaydah governorate, northwestern Yemen.

Liberating these areas came following fierce battles with Houthi militias that left 16 elements killed and dozens of others injured, Hassani told the state-run Yemeni news agency.

Seven army and resistance elements were killed while three others were injured, he added.

The militias retaliated by shelling residential areas with Katyusha, killing a woman and injuring seven civilians, he said.

Source: MENA