Yemeni troops

Yemeni troops have been able to liberate Beit Alhan village in Nahm district of Sanaa after fierce clashes with Houthi and Saleh militias.

Twenty-three militants were killed and dozens more injured in the face-off, said Abdullah al Shandaqi, the spokesman for the Yemeni resistance, in statements to the Yemeni news agency on Saturday.

Six troops were also killed and 11 others wounded, Shandaqi added.

He said that coalition jets played a big role in the confrontations that erupted Friday night. The jets hit militia sites and destroyed one of their tanks, three vehicles, a Katyusha rocket launcher and six machine guns, the spokesman made it clear.

Government troops are advancing toward Masoura area, Shandaqi said.

In Taiz, seven Houthi militants were killed and dozens injured in clashes with Yemeni troops.

Five troops were also killed and 11 more wounded in the confrontations, said the media center of the Yemeni military council.

Source: MENA