Yemeni Security forces foil attempt to storm Aden International Airport

Yemeni security forces foiled on Sunday an attempt by an armed group to storm Aden International Airport, South of the country. 
Security sources said that the airport's security forces confronted an armed group tried to break into the airport, and managed to detain a number of its members and seize the car they used in the attack. 
The sources added that the armed group was trying to break into the airport to free a French citizen who was arrested by security forces a few days ago in Aden's Al Mansoura district and was referred to investigation for some information. 
Additional forces from the security and the army deployed in the airport perimeter to enhance the security protection and counter any potential attacks, the sources said. 
Yemen's Transport Ministry announced on Saturday that Aden International Airport will officially resume "non-stop daily activities" next week, after months of closure, calling on security authorities in Aden to double their efforts to secure the airport and its vicinity.

Source: QNA