The UN Is Calling for Investigations Into International Law Violations In Yemen

The Yemeni Alliance for Human Rights said 1,146 civilians, including 373 children and 68 women, were killed in the first six months of 2016 as a result of violations committed by the militias of Houthis and ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

About 4,044 people were injured, including 1,067 children and 369 women, in the same period, the alliance said in a report.

The report said the militias executed eight civilians, adding that 11 people died at militias' jails as a result of torture and negligence.

The militias also tortured 71 prisoners and freed some of them after a deterioration in their health and psychological conditions.

The alliance reviewed the report during a seminar organized at the United Nations HQ on the fringe of the 33rd session of the Human Rights Council.

Source: MENA