President of Yemen Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi has praised the acts of heroism of the National Army and Popular

President of Yemen Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi has praised the acts of heroism of the National Army and Popular Resistance Forces to defend security, stability and constitutional legitimacy as well as restore normal life in the country.
He also hailed their efforts aimed to put an end to the coup operations committed by the militia of al-Houthi and the Forces Loyal to the ousted-president Ali Abdullah Saleh which resulted in huge catastrophes to the homeland and Yemeni people.

According to the Official Yemeni News Agency, Hadi, during a phone call to the Commander of the Western Front in Taiz, congratulated him, officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers of the National Army and Popular Resistance Forces on the victories achieved today in various locations and battle fronts, taking full control of the army's 35th Brigade as well as lifting the siege on the city.

Meanwhile, in his two phone calls to the Governor and Under-Secretary of the Governorate of Taiz, the Yemeni Vice President Khaled Bahah also congratulated them on the victories accomplished by the National Army and Popular Resistance Forces in Taiz.

Bahah was also briefed on the actions taken to restore normality of life and the beginning of receiving relief, food and medical assistance to all areas in the governorate.
Source: BNA