President Abd Rabbu mansour

Yemeni fractions agreed on setting December 15 for Geneva 2 talks between the Yemeni legitimacy government and Houthis and pro-former president Ali Abdullah Saleh militias.

Earlier, Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Abdel Malek al Mekhlafi announced that December 15 will see Geneva 2 talks.

The minister said the talks will tackle means to implement the UN resolution on Yemen.

Earlier, UN Special Envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed met Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and handed him a draft plan that aims to implement the UN resolution.

This came after several visits to Oman, UAE and Aden in order to agree on a certain agenda in which the Yemeni fractions will discuss to reach a solution for the political crisis rocking the country.

Meanwhile, claims said there is a dispute between Yemeni president and Vice President and Prime Minister Khaled Bahah after Hadi appointed a number of new ministers including the appointment of Mekhlafi as Yemeni new foreign minister without consulting with Bahah.

In a press release, Bahah denied such claims saying that he will continue to shoulder the responsibility and that he is exerting efforts to preserve Yemen and the Yemenis.

Bahah also met a number of Yemeni president's advisors in Riyadh within his efforts to calm down the situation.

During the meeting, the premier called on giving priority to national interest and unifying efforts on one goal which is getting rid of Houthis and Saleh militias.

Sources: MENA