Yemeni forces and resistance in Taiz foiled an attack by Houthis

Yemeni forces and resistance in Taiz foiled an attack by Houthis and pro-former president Ali Abdullah Saleh militias in southern Taiz city, resistance sources said on Sunday.

Shelling and clashes erupted on Saturday evening between the forces after a failed attempt to re-control two strategic areas that were controlled by legitimate forces two days ago.

The legitimate forces also controlled a number of important areas in southern Taiz.

A total of 12 militants were killed while dozens were injured in the clashes, the military media center in Taiz said, adding that three soldiers affiliated to the legitimate forces were also killed while nine others were injured in the clashes.

Meanwhile, five civilians were killed and six others injured when two mines blew off in southern Taiz city, the center said, adding that another civilian was killed while 10 others were injured in indiscriminate shelling that targeted residential areas.

Source : MENA