Yemeni army retakes 2 cities in Hadramout

The Yemeni army has taken control over two cities in Hadramout governorate. 

The army, backed by resistance militants, managed to purges Al Mukalla and Al Shahar cities from Al Qaeda terrorists. 

President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi phoned the Hadramout governor to congratulate him of this ground momentum.

The Houthis have controlled Yemen's capital, Sana'a, since seizing it in September 2014. Six months later, they marched south in an offensive that led to their capture of the port city of Aden, and sent President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi fleeing to Saudi Arabia.

Hadi and his government have since returned to Aden, aided by a yearlong bombing campaign by a Saudi-led coalition that helped push back the Houthis. 

The conflict has left more than 6,400 people dead and millions of people in need of humanitarian aid.

Source: MENA