European union

Yemeni Minister of Human Rights Ezz-Eddin al Asbahi sent a message to UN chief Ban Ki-moon urging the international organization to stop the massacres against civilians in Taiz.

Al Asbahi said the Houthi militias and forces loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh were perpetrating brutal acts and massacres against civilians since along time, as they were randomly shelling residential areas, killing civilians, mostly women and children.

At least 33 people were killed and injured in November 28- December 3, including three children who were killed and other 28 injured, the letter pointed out.

He added that the militias were targeting the gatherings waiting for having drinking water.

The shelling targeted populated areas. These acts amounted to be crimes against humanity, al Asbahi elaborated in his letter.

He added that Houthi militias increased their killings through direct snipping against civilians in residential areas in Taiz, along with their continuous siege to the city since more than 100 days, blocking the access of humanitarian aid, food, and medical supplies.

The catastrophic situation there led to a deterioration in the health services and patients' conditions, he expounded.

Sources: MENA