Yemen rebels retake ground from government forces

The country’s Shiite rebels have retaken ground from forces loyal to the internationally recognized government in two central provinces, with at least 85 fighters killed on both sides over the past three days, Yemeni officials said Thursday.
The fighting has been taking place in Marib and Shabwa provinces, the officials said, adding that in Shabwa’s region of Bihan, along with the 85 killed, about 100 fighters have been wounded on both sides.
Security officials loyal to President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi said pro-government forces retreated due to lack of air support from the Saudi-led coalition. 
Also Thursday, airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition hit a gathering of the Houthis in Sanaa, killing five, security officials said.
Meanwhile, a fuel ship sent by the UAE arrived Thursday in the southern port city of Aden, local officials said, where residents have been protesting power shortages. Government forces and allied militiamen retook the city from the Houthis several months ago.

Source: Arab News