Yemeni security forces stand guard at the site where a suicide car bomb exploded next to the central bank in Yemen's second city Aden

An elite Yemeni force killed 30 suspected Al-Qaeda fighters in the southeast of the country in a 24-hour operation that ended Wednesday, the army said.
The force raided an Al-Qaeda hideout west of the port city of Mukalla in a “very successful” operation that lasted 24 hours, it said in a statement.
It said that 30 suspected militants were killed and several others were captured, increasing a Tuesday death toll of six alleged militants.
Four Yemeni troops were also killed and 12 were wounded in the fighting, it added.
The militants were “planning to carry out terrorist attacks” in the country, already torn apart by a 19-month-long conflict between Iran-backed rebels and loyalist forces supported by the coalition, the army said.
Mukalla was the most populous Yemeni city under Al-Qaeda control until government troops and coalition special forces recaptured it in April, ending a year of militant rule.
But the rebels regrouped in the surrounding mountains from where they have carried out a series of deadly attacks.
A security official told AFP on Tuesday that troops launched a “preemptive operation” against the extremists, who continued to pose a threat to Mukalla.
In July, suicide bombings claimed by Al-Qaeda killed 11 people at two army checkpoints in the city. The previous month, Al-Qaeda’s rival, Daesh, claimed a wave of suicide bombings that killed at least 42 people in Mukalla.
The militants have exploited the conflict to consolidate their grip on parts of the south.
Washington regards Al-Qaeda’s Yemen-based branch as its most dangerous and has kept up a long-running drone war against its commanders.

Source: Arab News