Ahmed Obaid bin Dhager

Yemeni Prime Minister, Ahmed Obaid bin Dhager, has stressed that the weapons in the hands of al-Houthi militia and Ali Abdullah Saleh militias, constitute a major obstacle to prospects of peace in Yemen and a threat to the regional security as well.

While meeting with the British Ambassador to Yemen, Vuitton Brown, in Riyadh, he reiterated the need for the withdrawal of the militia from the cities, and handing over their weapons, being a proper manner to tackle the situation in Yemen.

The Yemen's official news agency quoted Yemen's prime minister as saying, "We want to talk to bail Yemen out of war and destruction. The people of Yemen are no longer able to continue with this difficult situation."

He added that the best way to handle the situation lies in the withdrawal of the militia and relinquishing their weapons, which constitute a major obstacle to the prospects of peace in Yemen and the region.

The Yemen's official said the weapons should only be in the hands of the state, which has the right to possess and use them.

For his part, the British ambassador praised the position of the legitimate government of Yemen toward the truce and peace consultations in Kuwait, stressing that the international community is working to ensure the success of Kuwait consultations.
