Millions of children face disease, malnutrition in war-torn Yemen: UN

Governor of Hadramout Ahmed Saeed bin Brik said that all local and health bodies were put on high alert to contain the outbreak of cholera epidemic that claimed the lives of 20 persons in Aden.

In a statement on his Facebook page, the governor said a set of proactive and preventive measures were taken in all health facilities and public hospitals in Hadramout to fight cholera disease. 

The WHO reports more than 7.6 million Yemenis are living in areas affected by acute watery diarrhea and cholera.

It also warns more than three million people displaced by the war are especially vulnerable to the outbreak.

"As a result of the ongoing conflict, two thirds of Yemenis do not have access to clean water and sanitation services, especially in cities, further increasing the risk of catching cholera," said WHO Spokeswoman Fadela Chaib. 

WHO reports that less than half of Yemen’s health facilities are functional due to shortages in health staff, medicine and medical supplies.

Source: MENA