UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake

UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake has called on conflicting parties in Yemen to respect the ceasefire that was reached on Saturday.

The ceasefire announced in Yemen offers new hope in a situation that is increasingly catastrophic for children, he said. 

"Eighteen months of conflict have led to the deaths of well over 1,000 children and left millions more without access to basic care, and at risk of imminent death. As food and water supplies dwindle, 1.5 million children are suffering from acute malnutrition. A rapid increase in cholera and measles cases is putting the lives of thousands more at risk." he added.

“For some time now we have been constrained in our efforts to reach these children with therapeutic food and medical supplies." the statement noted

“We urge all parties to the ceasefire to allow unhindered humanitarian access for the delivery of life-saving supplies and services to all children in need. It cannot be in anyone’s interest to endanger the future of Yemen -- its children.” read the statement.

Source: MENA