The United Nations (UN) along with the international and regional community are still obligated to support the Yemeni people and the political transition process via the comprehensive national dialogue, a UN official said Saturday. In a press conference held Saturday evening, the UN Secretary-General Adviser Jamal bin Omar said the only way to promote peace and justice as well as development would be through the national dialogue. The UN official made clear that his visit comes within the framework of evaluating the implementation of the Security Council resolutions Nos. 2014 and 2051, and to submit a report on Yemen to the council on the 18th of the current month. He also made reference to the several meetings he held with national dialogue’s technical committee to prop up its tasks, hailing the big efforts exerted by the committee’s members to meet the aspirations of the Yemeni citizens though the arising of many difficulties aiming at impeding the political transition process. Bin Omar praised the efforts of President Abdo Rabu Mansour Hadi, particularly in the issuance of the last decisions which aim to reform the security and military institutions as it is stipulated in the Gulf initiative’s terms and its executive mechanism. The donors meeting that hosted in Riyadh, was successful, he said, noting that Yemen Friends’ meeting which to be held in New York on Sep.27 would be on the foreign ministers’ level.