UN Envoy to Yemen: Violations to cessation of Hostilities in Yemen unacceptable

The UN Special Envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed expressed concerns about violations of cessation of hostilities by some parties in Yemen. "Stabilizing the situation is a fundamental demand of the Yemeni people. Violations to the Cessation of Hostilities are unacceptable and security has an impact on all," Cheikh Ahmed said in a press statement last night, cited by Kuwait's News Agency (KUNA). 

    He underlined that political bickering would complicate the situation and urged Yemeni parties to do more to reach the aspired peaceful solution to the Yemeni crisis. "Economic decline, water and electricity shortages should motivate the parties to re-double their efforts towards reaching a comprehensive and peaceful solution," he said. "Political bickering will only complicate issues. Only a political solution will help resolve them," he added. 

    In his press statement, the UN envoy noted that security issues dominated the discussions in the Yemeni peace talks today in Kuwait. He has pointed out that he has held bilateral meetings with both delegations. 

    The delegation of Ansarullah and the General People's Congress (GPC) noted the challenges continuing to face Yemen. The Government of Yemen delegation presented a paper on security mechanisms including details relating to formation of security committees, he stated.

    Earlier, the Special Envoy met with Kuwait's First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah who reiterated, after several meetings he has held in Turkey, Russia and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the strong support of the international community to the Yemeni-Yemeni peace talks held in Kuwait.

Source: QNA