Saudi Arabia, Yemen's Houthi Ansarullah Swap Tens of Prisoners

Yemeni army and resistance forces have successfully advanced towards Alab crossing point in the northwestern city of Saada.

The Yemeni forces have also recaptured four posts belonging to Houthi and Saleh militias in the city.

Clashes between government forces and the militias have left 20 militants dead and tens others injured, Yemen News Agency quoted Saada Governor Hadi Tarshan as saying.

Some of the militias have also been recaptured by government forces, he added.

Tarshan noted that the militias' posts in all areas around Alab crossing point, are now besieged. 

Meanwhile, five Houthi and Saleh militants were killed while others were injured in al Jawf governorate after government forces shelled militias' sites in many area in the governorate.

About 90 percent of al Jawf is currently under the control of government forces.

Source: MENA