Yemeni soldiers

A Yemeni soldier was killed and six others injured in an explosion which targeted a convoy of Yemeni military official in Hadhramaut governorate in eastern Yemen.
An official security source said in a press release that an explosive device planted by unknown persons exploded in the convoy of Maj. Gen. Abdurrahman Al-Halili, First Military Area Commander while passing in Al-Batna neighbourhood in the centre of Al-Qutn city but he was unhurt, adding that a soldier was killed and six others injured in the incident and taken to the hospital for treatment.
In another incident, a Yemeni army officer was wounded when unidentified gunmen opened fire at him in T'aizz governorate South of the capital Sana'a.
An official security source said unidentified gunmen riding a motorcycle opened automatic weapons fire in the direction of Colonel Abdou Shahar in the Beer Bash city, adding that he was wounded in the head and was rushed to hospital in a critical condition.