Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi

Forces loyal to President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi have killed 42 of the militias loyal to Houthis and toppled president Ali Abdallah Saleh in Bab El Mandeb, Sky News TV channel reported on Wednesday.

According to the channel, Arab coalition war jets shelled outposts of Houthis and Saleh forces in Bab El Mandeb.

Other clashes erupted between the Houthis and Hadi's forces, leaving two persons dead and 27 others injured.

Separately, three civilians were killed and eleven others were injured when Houthis randomly shelled several districts in Taiz city.

Earlier in the day, Arab coalition war jets shelled outposts of Houthis in various areas of the city of Saeda.

Huthis, a Shi'ite Muslim group, took control of Yemen's capital Sanaa last September. Arab countries intervened in the conflict in March to halt a Houthi advance into southern Yemen which caused Hadi to flee to Riyadh from his refuge in the southern port of Aden.

Source: MENA