King Salman

General Supervisor for Riyadh-based King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Rabiah signed Sunday a contract with a specialized company to build 300 housing units for displaced Yemenis in Djibouti, according to the Saudi Press Agency.

In a press statement, Rabiah said the project is part of several programs to be carried out by the center upon directives of King Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud.

He asserted that the center has so far implemented as many as 50 programs aiming to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The company is set to start building the houses next week, he said, adding that the center is also determined to provide homes complying with the tough environment there.

For his part, the Director of Local Administration and Chairman of the Yemeni Higher Relief Committee Abdulraqeeb Fath said the center has distributed food baskets over the displaced in Djibouti, provided potable water, medical clinics and other necessary life needs.

Source: MENA