Yemeni mourners attend the funeral of one of the victims of twin bomb

Key dates in Yemen since a Saudi-coalition intervened after Huthi Shiite rebels overran the capital Sanaa and advanced on Aden, the second biggest city.

UN figures put the overall number of dead in the conflict at more than 4,300, including 400 children, and the number of displaced at 1.5 million.

Riyadh-led coalition begins offensive

On March 26, 2015, Saudi Arabia begins Operation Decisive Storm with air strikes on the rebels after forging a coalition of nine countries to defend embattled Yemeni President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi. Iran opposes the intervention.

UN sanctions rebels

On April 14, the UN Security Council imposes an arms embargo on the rebels and demands that they relinquish seized territory.
Riyadh says on April 21 it has suspended the military campaign, but resumes air strikes a day later in Yemen's third city Taez.

Saudi Arabia hit

Huthis bombard the Saudi border town of Najran, killing several people on May 5 in their first such attack since the coalition operation began.

US drone kills Qaeda leader

On June 16, Al-Qaeda confirms that its leader in Yemen, Nasir al-Wuhayshi, has been killed in a US drone strike, and names military chief Qassem al-Rimi as the regional affiliate's new leader.

A day later, more than 30 people are killed in Sanaa as five coordinated blasts claimed by the Islamic State group target Shiite mosques and offices.

On March 20, IS carried out its first attacks on Shiite mosques, killing 142 people. Since then other Shiite mosques have been targeted, the latest on September 3 leaving 32 dead.

The battle of Aden

On July 17, the exiled Yemeni premier announces from Riyadh the "liberation" of the province of Aden after more than four months of fighting.
On July 22 pro-government forces, backed by Saudi air strikes, strengthen their hold on Aden.

With the airport and port back in loyalist hands, the coalition is able to ship in growing amounts of humanitarian aid.

New ceasefire breaks down

The third ceasefire since the offensive began breaks down on July 28 after five days, with coalition jets hitting rebel positions north of Aden. A five-day truce in mid-May also failed to stop the fighting and a humanitarian truce initiated by the UN from July 10 never materialised.

Five provinces under government control

Forces loyal to the exiled government retake a fifth southern province, extending gains against the rebels who still control the capital. They are currently fighting for control of Taez, in the southwest and Marib east of Sanaa.

Source: AFP