The Yemeni government has navigated its way through regional upheavals with intelligence, the Italian foreign minister said during a meeting in Rome. Italian Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi met with his Yemeni counterpart Abu Bakr al-Qirbi to Rome to discuss the political transformations in Yemen. \"I reiterated Italy\'s pledge to support the political and institutional transition in Yemen, which is proceeding in a decidedly positive way,\" Terzi said in a statement. \"Yemen has weathered the Arab spring with intelligence and handled a constitutional overhaul that has been important for the entire region.\" The security situation in Yemen has deteriorated in large part due to fighting between pro-government forces, supported by the United States, and al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, the Yemeni branch of al-Qaida. Yemeni President Abdu Rabbo Mansour Hadi announced that he appointed a preparatory committee to lay the foundation for a national dialogue conference. Terzi said a Friends of Yemen meeting, scheduled for September will give Rome another opportunity to \"add our support to this process ahead of the 2014 elections.\" A U.N. Security Council resolution passed in June calls on Yemen to convene a national dialogue, restructure the military under a unified command and implement political reform with the aim of general elections in 2014.