Italian Foreign Minister expressed Sunday its country’s support for Yemeni efforts to combat terrorism and criminals. In a telephone call with Foreign Minister Abu Bakr al-Qirbi, Giulio Terzi reviewed with al-Qirbi the circumstances of kidnapping an Italian national works as a security guard at the Italian Embassy in Sana’a and the exerting efforts for setting him free, Yemen’s Saba news agency reported. Al-Qirbi stressed that the security authorities have begun to take all required security measures to track down the kidnappers and guarantee the release of the Italian citizen safely. The abduction of a foreign national is an act that all Yemenis condemn and reject as well as prohibited by Islam and laws, he said. The Italian Foreign Minister voiced his appreciation of the Yemeni security services’ efforts in the kidnapping issue. “Italy stands by President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi and the Yemeni government in fighting on terrorism and encountering criminals,” Terzi said.