United Nations Special Envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed

Yemeni rebels refused to convene with United Nations Special Envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed in Muscat.

A delegation of Houthis' Ansar Allah and the General People's Congress (GPC) party refused to meet with the UN envoy in Muscat in line with directives by Saleh al-Sammad, the head of the Supreme Political Council, according to the GPC news agency Khabar.

Sammad has given directives that the rebels would meet with the UN envoy only in Sanaa.

The UN envoy arrived in Muscat on Tuesday. 

The UN envoy and US Secretary of State John Kerry will attend a meeting - due to be held later Thursday in Jeddah - by the foreign ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council on the Yemeni Crisis.

Source: MENA